Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Making a plan , when your just not sure

Well, my husband and I have been talking about moving for o, I would say 5 years now. Everytime I think we are close I get excited and yell it from the roof tops........and then we don't lol. We are talking again, praying that the loose ends get tied and we get the little and big stuff going. It is hard thinking about leaving somewhere you grew up , everyone knows you and has gotten used to you and your personality lol.. I have a light hearted personality to say the least. Well, in public I guess haha. I am hoping and praying that this time we get to go. How exciting a true family adventure. New people, new places. Different opprutunities to share God's love to other people. But, the downside. I am leaving my family who has always been there for me, always had my back. Whom I love dearly and will always treasure the wisdom they have shared with me. But I have a chance of making my husband happier and possibly having a great relationship with his children. Well, I got 2 hungry boys I must go feed

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